The Schroeder Twins

Fresh 48 Session

August 21st, 2018
ThedaClark Regional Medical Center – Neenah, WI

It’s a Girl!!…..AND a Boy!!
Thea Marie: 6 lb 15 oz, 19 inches, born at 1:06pm
Oliver Michael: 5 lb 14 oz, 18.5 inches, born at 1:11pm

Feeling beyond blessed to have these two perfect, healthy, beautiful babies joining our Schroeder Family. Auntie loves you! Congratulations, Clint and Tiffany!


Delle | Day 11

In-Home Newborn Session

Loving the fun, unique elements and textures we were able to incorporate in Delle’s in-home newborn session: a genuine buffalo hide, a huge moose antler, lovely pine hardwood floors, a stone fireplace and that amazing book shelf! If you couldn’t tell, Dad is a little bit into hunting and trapping, and Mom loves to read! Oh, and just look at how cute and photogenic that sweet big sister Eve is!


Ellie {Newborn Session}

7 Days New

Beyond happy for this new family of three! Matt and Jessica have been with me since their engagement session in 2013 and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed capturing them grow as a couple and now into a family. Ellie was nothing short of amazing for her session. Sleeping, smiling and letting us dress her up in all of the fun handmade outfits from her Grandma. We were also able to incorporate sunflowers as we have with every session the Cumberland’s have had with me. Here are a few of my favorites of Ellie!


Natalie {Newborn Session}

9 Days New

Meet the newest addition to the Sperberg Family, miss Natalie! The Sperberg’s old home was ideal for an in-home session, providing us with gorgeous original wood floors, wide trim and these amazing white pocket doors.

Natalie tried to challenge us a bit, not wanting to sleep for the first 2 hours of the session. But that’s expected and didn’t even begin to test our patience. This last shot in the white bucket took us 30 minutes to achieve, but so worth it!
